This week In National Press Club history

March 4, 1997: Palestine Liberation Organization President Yasser Arafat appears at the club for the second time. He discusses Middle East peace prospects at a Newsmaker. His first appearance in 1993, after finally receiving permission to enter the country having been denied a visa for many years, is one of the fastest luncheon sellouts in Club history. He urges quick implementation of the peace agreement just reached with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

March 8, 2005: Actress and film producer Angelina Jolie speaks about her work as goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Refugee Agency.

This Week In National Press Club History is brought to you by the History and Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club’s history through displays, events, panel discussions and its oral history project, which now includes close to two hundred interviews with club members and personnel.

For more information on the Committee’s activities, or to join the Committee, contact Gil Klein at [email protected]