Paul Shinkman has been an NPC member since 2011.
What's your current job?
National Security Correspondent, U.S. News and World Report.
How long have you been a member of the NPC? What’s your best experience thus far?
I joined in February 2011 as a reward for finally landing a paying job in journalism, covering something I enjoyed and with compensation enough to pay for rent and beer. I have loved every minute of being a member, not in the least in treading the same marble and polishing the same 3-feet of mahogany as my father and grandfather. I had a really good time at last year's Press Club Standup Comedy competition. But sitting in a wing-back chair with a glass of good scotch or gin (depending on the season), catching up on the news or a good book, and drinking in the Press Club scene is a fine way to pass the time.
What's your favorite moment of your career so far?
Embedding in Afghanistan was probably the biggest career changer for me. Seeing how policies (which make sense at home) shake out on the battlefield (where they seem to make no sense) reshaped the way I view covering defense issues, particularly in the comfortable halls of the Pentagon. One of the most poignant moments came while covering the joint Pentagon/congressional group that is currently studying how the military handles sexual assault cases. I received some of the most memorable reader feedback after a string of stories, largely from military sexual assault survivors who finally felt they could talk about their own experiences.
What was your childhood dream job?
To do something that would one day inspire outlandish stories told to subsequent generations. I had a steep curve to fulfill, but journalism could just be the right medium.
Guilty Pleasure: What can you not live without?
New pens. I'm starting to think that my supposed search for the ultimate writing utensil is actually just my desire to continually buy new ones. Japanese "Le Pens" had been the winner until I bought my first German "LEMY" fountain pen a few weeks ago. It might be a keeper. That, and cheese. I can’t have enough.
If Hollywood made a movie of your life, who would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Well clearly Brad Pitt, right? Can’t we all agree on that? In truth, probably someone like Benedict Cumberbatch, though he’d have to dull down his usual quick witticisms.
If you could provide one piece of professional advice, what would it be?
Go for broke, every time. If you’re asking someone for something, such as a job or an inside scoop, they’re already not giving it to you. Most of the time it pays off to act boldly.
What's your favorite city to travel to for business?
Charleston, S.C., if only for the food. It’s without comparison to anywhere else I’ve been in the States. Guantanamo Bay is also an absolutely fascinating and completely bizarre place. But the island of Cuba has an unparalleled mystique, at least for me.
What would be your ideal job, if not in PR?
National Park ranger, far and away. Probably in Shenandoah, Yosemite, or Grand Tetons. Anywhere I can climb.