Silver Owls install Wiese at Saturday Holeman Hoot

Wise Owls filled the Holeman Lounge Saturday, Nov. 5 for the first-ever Silver Owls noon-time Hoot. The event celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Club-within-the-Club, honoring its founder Berrnie Goodrich and 1961 NPC President John Cosgrove, who have served as Head Hoots during the period. The gathering toasted them during a champagne lunch inaugurating Arthur Wiese, 1979 Club President, as the new Head Hoot.

The Ricky Alexander Trio played swing-era tunes as everyone admired Club Board Chair Theresa Werner and friend dancing up a storm two feet from the bar. The Owls Quartet, Wiese, Don Larrabee, Doug Turner and Austin Kiplinger later sang owlish parodies including a new one by Mae Scanlan to the tune of :"I'll be Loving You Owl-ways."

Nine new Golden (50-year Club members) and 31 Silvers were recognized by Wiese who also paid tribute to two non-attendees, former U.S. Sen. Harry Flood Byrd of Virginia and retired business journalist George Bookman of New York City, who, both having joined the Press Club in 1938, are its senior members. The Silver Owls closed the program with a traditional audience favorite:" Thanks for the memory, of headline-making meals, the heroes and the heel..etc."