Mead extols virtues of female leadership, '72 luncheon

This Week In National Press Club History

October 9, 1972: Anthropologist Margaret Mead tells a National Press Club luncheon that women couldn’t do much worse than men as leaders. Ten years later, in 1982, Vivian Vahlberg was sworn in as the first woman president of the National Press Club. Since her inauguration, eight more women presidents have followed in her footsteps.

This Week In National Press Club History is brought to you by the History & Heritage Committee, which is dedicated to preserving and revitalizing the Club’s history through displays, panel discussions, events and lectures, as well as a long-standing oral history project.

For information on upcoming committee activities, or to join the Committee, contact Bill Hickman at [email protected].

Compiled by Elizabeth Smith Brownstein ([email protected]) with additional material from Art Wiese.