Eat, read, discuss: Books & Brunch meets Nov. 19 (so there's still time to read the book)

The NPC's Books & Brunch group will meet at noon Saturday, Nov. 19, in the Fourth Estate Restaurant to discuss The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

The group welcomes all NPC members and their guests.

On Saturday, Dec. 17 the group will discuss Eden's Outcasts: The Story of Louisa May Alcott and Her Father by John Mattes.

Those who park in the PMI garage on G Street between 13th and 14th streets and buy a meal can have their tickets stamped for free parking. The group alternates between fiction and non-fiction books selected by attendees at each meeting for the meeting two months hence.

For more information contact Jack Williams, Books & Brunch chair, at [email protected].