Donate to support the NPC Journalism Institute's training and press freedom

The National Press Club Journalism Institute has kicked off its end-of-year fundraising campaign that supports its educational programming and press freedom efforts. The Institute is close to reaching its 2023 fundraising goal and needs your help.

Any donation you give this year will help the Institute strengthen journalism in the public interest. You can make your tax-deductible donation using this link, or:

  • Mail a check made out to National Press Club Journalism Institute to: Beth Francesco, c/o National Press Club Journalism Institute, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC 20045

  • Boost your impact through employer gift matching. Check with your HR department to see if your employer matches donations, or use this tool to find out.

  • Give from your donor-advised fund. Talk to your financial planner or use this tool to direct a gift now. 

  • Give stock or other securities. You may choose to donate highly appreciated securities, which can bypass or defer capital gains. 

This year has been an exciting one full of big changes for the Institute, whic hired a new executive director, doubled its staff, produced a highly successful 50th Annual Fourth Estate Award Gala with the Club, and grew its community to more than 9,000 journalists and communicators.

As you know, journalists have provided essential information and added important context to the conversations that are guiding our communities. Below are a few highlights of the Institute’s efforts to connect Club members and the public to tools, training, and networks:

  • Producing 17 free and low-cost virtual professional development programs on topics including writing and editing, exploring ways to best utilize public libraries and FOIA, and reporting on extremism.

  • Working closely with the Club to produce press freedom programs and drive awareness for journalists who are unjustly arrested or otherwise targeted for their work.

  • Publishing The Latest, a daily, industry-focused newsletter that provides top headlines, craft tips, career advice, and resources.

Speaking of The Latest, former NPC President Myron Belkind said: “Among the reasons for the very high reputation of the National Press Club and the National Press Journalism Institute is the recent innovation of the Institute's ‘The Latest,’ featuring a comprehensive listing of links to the top stories of the day. I read many similar summaries by other organizations, and in my opinion, the Institute's is the best. It adds prestige to both the Institute and the NPC.”

For more information, contact Development Manager Mitch Harle or Executive Director Beth Francesco.