Future of the Navy

Secretary England discussed his five major initiatives: to support those engaged in the global war on terror and in the transition of Iraq; to help promote security and stability in other areas; focus the capital investments for the next fight; size and shape the human resources; and use smart business practices. He reported that on his recent trip to Iraq he found that forceful action by the Marines had increased respect for the troops and eliminated some of the opposition while the transition of power was eagerly anticipated. He also reported an increase in the ability to express naval power globally and exercises in cooperation with other navies. He announced the next generation of ship would be a littoral combat ship suitable for sea-basing all branches of the services. He said that in future ships would be manned by smaller, more technically trained crews. Implementation of the new National Security Personnel System or NSPS would include the civilian workforce. He also talked about strive for greater effectiveness in managing the budget. After his remarks he responded to questions from members of the audience.