This Week in National Press Club History: Which retired world leader said "The old girl can still shout things from the sidelines"?

June 23, 2010: Controversial film producer/director Oliver Stone gives a news conference about his latest film “South Of The Border,” which features leftist Latin American political leaders, including Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner.

June 24, 2010: A reception in the Holeman Lounge commemorates the 25th anniversary of the merger of the Washington Press Club and the National Press Club.

June 26, 1996: Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher addresses a sold-out luncheon, and announces that “the old girl can still shout things from the sidelines.” Describing the current state of international affairs as “the New World Disorder,” Thatcher says “the greatest questions of political, social and economic life have received their answer. The open question now is whether we have the courage to resolve it.”

This Week In National Press Club History is brought to you by the History & Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club’s century-plus history with lobby displays, events, panel discussions, and oral history interviews of distinguished Club members and personnel.

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