11 young NPC members benefit at 'speed networking' event

The National Press Club Young Members group held their first “speed networking” event Monday, allowing journalists to converse with seasoned professionals about starting careers.

Participants enjoyed burgers, quesadillas and drinks as they participated in an experience similar to speed dating. Groups of three to four mentees would ask mentors questions about how to further careers -- ten minutes with each member. In the end, a reception was held and mentees were free to continue conversations with the mentors.

The Young Members kept this first installment intimate with three mentors and 11 mentees and both groups said they had fun and the young members got wonderful insight into continuing a career in journalism. Discussions ended up moving to the bar and lasted hours after the official end time.

Young Members are excited about the success of the event and are looking to repeat it soon, for journalists as well as a specific one for communicator Club members.

If you would like to join as a mentee, join the Young Members meeting every second Tuesday to stay informed on future young member events. If you would like to be a mentor for future speed mentoring events, please email [email protected].