This week In National Press Club history

March 1, 1909: The Club moves to the second and third floors of historic Rhodes Tavern at 15th and F Streets NW and is there until 1914. Several years ago, members of the Club, including past president John Cosgrove, were present at the dedication of a decorated fire and police callbox at the corner, noting that the now demolished Tavern was the second home of the National Press Club.

March 3, 1971: Twenty-four women became the first female members of the National Press Club, after a January vote in favor of their admission, 227 to 56.

This Week In National Press Club history is brought to you by the History and Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club’s history through displays, panel discussions, events, and its oral history project, which now includes close to two hundred interviews with club members and personnel.

For more information on the History and Heritage Committee’s activities, or to join the committee, contact chair Gil Klein at [email protected].