Travel to Baltics with Club in May

Start spring with a trip to the Baltic Republics from May 19-30 with National Press Club members and their guests.

Enjoy the treasures of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. We'll visit all three capitals and surrounding areas, which feature sights dating from the 11th century.

We fly from Washington Dulles to Vilnius, Lithuania, via Copenhagen. Vilnius was once the largest medieval state in Europe and is replete with historical monuments and lovely landscapes.

Then it's on to Riga, Latvia, the largest city of the Baltic States, dating from 1201. Next, we travel to Tallinn, Estonia, and surrounding areas.

The trip costs $3,195 per person, double occupancy. Single room supplement is $675.

Included in the cost are round-trip economy-class airfare from Dulles to Copenhagen and return, private motorcoach between cities, daily buffet breakfast, three dinners -- one in each capital city, sightseeing, hotel transfers, local guides and baggage handling at airports and hotels.

Space is limited, so sign up soon. For additional information, contact Richard Meyer at 703-356-6884 or [email protected]