Only five seats left for lunch with Huffington Post's Mandy Jenkins

Only five seats remain for the upcoming National Press Club members-only event featuring Mandy Jenkins, social news editor at the Huffington Post and instructor at Georgetown University, on Monday, Feb. 27 starting at 11:45 a.m. in the McClendon Room of the Reliable Source.

For members only, there is no fee to register,( ) and members will provide their member numbers to the wait staff and pay for their own lunch. Members must be logged into the Club's website in order to register for the luncheon.

Ms. Jenkins will lead a discussion for entrepreneurial journalists looking to enhance their personal brand through social media, and will limit her prepared remarks to 15 minutes to encourage an informal discussion among participants. Those planning to attend should review Mandy's presentation online in advance of the event:

For questions, contact Anthony Shop, chairman of the Events Committee, at [email protected].