Navy senior information officer describes communication challenges to American Legion Post 20

On the Internet, false stories travel faster than the truth. That’s the challenge described by Navy Captain Tamara Lawrence, deputy chief of information, at the Nov. 15 meeting of American Legion Post 20 at the National Press Club.

“It’s about speed,” Lawrence said.

American Legion

In her line of work, she deals with mis- and disinformation every day, Lawrence said. Social media and artificial intelligence are powerful tools for enemies of the United States to sow mistrust, she said. Communications professionals must counter with facts, she added. “We have to be truthful, credible, and accurate,” she said.

Bad actors in the information realm don’t have those responsibilities, and they can spread falsehoods quickly, Lawrence said, citing an example about a false story concerning the location of an American naval vessel. Such disinformation can cause international tension and even confusion for the shipping industry, she said. The Navy responded as quickly as possible with accurate information, she said.

The mission of public affairs officers, Lawrence said is leading effective communications in an era of lightning-fast falsehoods that can come from anywhere. Part of that mission includes encouraging media literacy among the general public. "Check the sources,” she said. “Don’t be stuck on one channel.”

Lawrence also discussed current recruiting challenges for the military. “More and more people don’t choose service,” she said.

Activities such as the Navy’s Fleet Week events help bring the Navy to the public, Lawrence said, which can help encourage young people to consider joining.

Lawrence called on veterans groups such as the American Legion to help encourage a culture of service.

Lawrence graduated from Duke University. Her previous assignments include public affairs officer for the Secretary of the Navy, and public-affairs officer for Naval Special Warfare.

Post 20 has been affiliated with the National Press Club for more than a century. The post began at the urging of the most celebrated American commander of World War I. General John “Black Jack” Pershing was an associate member of Club.