National Press Club Statement On Israel’s Actions Against Associated Press

WASHINGTON, May 21 — Following is a statement from Emily Wilkins, President of the National Press Club on the move by Israel to shut down the Associated Press live feed into Gaza and to seize the AP’s equipment.

“We were bitterly disappointed to read that Israel has overreached its already repressive media laws by confiscating the broadcast equipment of the Associated Press and shutting down the longstanding live feed into Gaza. There was no strategic reason for these actions, which are part of a pattern of aggression against journalism organizations by Israel. The lengths to which Israel is willing to go to stop news coverage of the military action in Gaza must not be overlooked by the media still covering the conflict and the public at large. In particular we call on the Israeli press to emphasize these actions in their coverage so citizens of Israel are fully aware of what their government is doing in their name.

“These actions have ramifications beyond just the AP’s coverage of Gaza. As a cooperative news agency, AP’s video is the main visual source of news for media worldwide. It is the way global television news outlets are able to cover the Gaza. This live feed by the AP is the only remaining live element from Gaza for many broadcasters worldwide. It is vital for coverage of this significant story.

“We call on Israel to reverse course on this overly aggressive action and restore the AP’s equipment and live feed.”

About the National Press Club

Founded in 1908, the National Press Club is the world’s leading professional organization for journalists. The Club has 3,000 members representing nearly every major journalism organization and is a leading voice for press freedom in the United States and around the world.

About the National Press Club Journalism Institute

The National Press Club Journalism Institute promotes an engaged global citizenry through an independent and free press, and equips journalists with skills and standards to inform the public in ways that inspire a more representative democracy. As the nonprofit affiliate of the National Press Club, the Institute powers journalism in the public interest.

Contact: Bill McCarren, 202-662-7534 for the National Press Club