Memorial service for Chuck Lewis, former AP, Hearst bureau chief, Sept. 25

A memorial service for Chuck Lewis, former bureau chief for the Associated Press and Hearst Newspapers, will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, at the National Press Club.

A longtime member of the Club, Lewis died of cancer March 20 in Arlington, Va. He was 80.

Former Club President Rick Dunham wrote in a Wire obituary that Lewis was “a prominent figure in Washington journalism for more than three decades…[running] two of the largest Washington news operations in the last golden era of print journalism.”

Dunham went on to write:

But Lewis always enjoyed shoe-leather reporting, whether he was whipping out his reporter’s notebook to cover the annual National Spelling Bee or winning national awards for his tough investigative reporting on friendly fire casualties in the 1991 Iraq War.

“Chuck was a true gentleman with an endless sense of humor,” said 1986 Club President Mary Kay Quinlan, retired associate dean of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s College of Journalism and Mass Communications. “He led by example, which is the best kind of leadership. He will be missed.”