Independent Authors meet website designer Niki Van

Ohio-based website designer Niki Van met Thursday with the National Press Club Independent Authors Group to answer questions about what kinds of websites work best for authors, whether they should – or can – create their own, and what kinds of services are available for those who want professional help with the design.

Whether authors choose to create their own websites or choose to hire someone depends on their willingness to spend time and learn about the technology, Van said. Some authors noted that doing such work can take away valuable time that could be spent writing.

Van stressed the importance of backing up authors' websites, and she suggested tools including UpdraftPlus, All-in-One WP Migration and others. Van also mentioned some more affordable web domain naming and hosting alternatives to GoDaddy, including A-Z Hosting and Namecheap.

The Independent Authors Group is an informal forum within the Club for independently published authors to discuss the business of authorship and share successes and challenges with regard to the writing, publishing, marketing and distribution of their books. Authors regularly meet via Zoom on the second Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. Any Club member interested in joining the group may inquire with Jody Beck at [email protected].