Independent Authors Group learns publishing tips from fellow National Press Club member

Members of the Independent Authors Group at the National Press Club got publishing tips from club member Gary Powers Jr., who has written several books about his father, Francis Gary Powers, the U-2 pilot who was shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960.

Initially criticized for his actions after the high-altitude spy plane was shot down,  the elder Powers received military honors once more information was released. He spent more than a year as a prisoner in the Soviet Union. The movie “Bridge of Spies” tells the story of his release during an exchange of prisoners between the United States and Russia.

Gary's father died when he was young, and he has spent many years learning the full story of his father’s life and the Cold War.

Powers' books include Letters from a Soviet Prison (2017)Spy Pilot (2019), and Enemy Territory (2022), which help to dispel the misinformation surrounding the U-2 Incident. He has published traditionally, but mostly publishes independently through His books include one graphic edition, aimed at younger readers and fans of graphic nonfiction, with another graphic book to be published soon.

He keeps a busy speaking to groups across the country, including many talks where he is paid or compensated for expenses. He ships books to sell at his speaking engagements, loads them into suitcases for plane trips, or has them in the trunk of his car when he travels on the East Coast.