Help protect and promote journalism by supporting NPC Journalism Institute

The National Press Club Journalism Institute is ratcheting up professional training and expanding our efforts to  protect journalists and press freedom -- and it needs your help.

Please consider a donation to the Institute, the Club’s nonprofit arm, to help expand its work in 2024, a year that will be challenging to journalism and its support for democracy.

National Press Club Journalism Institute logo

Already the Institute is reaching thousands of people both in and out of the Club with training sessions for students and experienced journalists alike. The Club has emphasized professional development for years, and with so many news organizations on the ropes financially and so many start-up nonprofits trying to fill the gaps, there is more of a demand for training programs to ensure quality. These sessions are open to you.

Just one Zoom class in copy editing with a renowned journalist drew more than 800 participants. A recent in-person workshop on the business of freelancing packed the room. Our four-day-a-week newsletter on developments in the news business, The Latest, now reaches more than 5,000 subscribers. 

The Institute is working closely with the Club on press freedom, putting out statements on abuses, nationally and internationally, which are distributed worldwide and publicized in The Latest and The Wire. The Club and the Institute join amicus briefs on important issues in the courts and both are looking forward to expanding the fight for press freedom.

All of this takes money, especially operating funds to maintain staff. Please visit the Institute's homepage and look at everything the Institute is doing, subscribe to the newsletter, and click on  support.