Actress Elizabeth Taylor promotes AIDS research at Club, 1996

This Week In National Press Club History

July 22, 1996: Actress Elizabeth Taylor returns to the National Press Club as an outspoken leader for many years in the fight against AIDS. A founder of the American Foundation for AIDS Research, and the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation, she speaks about the need to provide disadvantaged people with AIDS in this country and around the world with better drugs and care, and how more people can be prevented from contracting HIV.

July 25, 1991: Friends of the National Journalism Library is established as a 501©3 organization to support the library and its programs.

This Week In National Press Club History is brought to you by the History & Heritage Committee, which preserves and revitalizes the Club’s history through displays, events, panel discussions and a long-standing oral history program.

For more information on the Committee and its activities, or to join the committee, contact Gilbert Klein at [email protected].

Compiled by Elizabeth Smith Brownstein with material from the club’s archives and Reliable Sources: 100 Years At The National Press Club.