NPC Journalism Awards: Michael A. Dornheim Award

This award is presented in celebration of the career of the late Michael A. Dornheim, a longtime reporter and editor at Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine. The recipient must be a working journalist writing about aerospace, defense, the airline industry, or aerospace science and engineering.


  • Print/Online entries only.
  • Can include up to 5 examples of work.

Prize: $1000

General Eligibility: Through these awards, the National Press Club seeks to recognize and honor professional journalists who have produced outstanding work for the public, either independently or as employees of editorially independent news entities. In all cases, judges will give weight to demonstration of individual enterprise, fairness, accuracy, and objectivity. Content produced for house organs, pamphlets, theses or reports will not be considered, nor will advocacy outlets of interest groups such as trade associations, consumer organizations or government agencies. Entries may be submitted by either journalists or their employers. Non-traditional entrants are free to explain in supporting materials how they meet these journalistic criteria, and should submit a statement explaining their editorial independence.