Space reporter offers glimpse into his beat, event journalism

Trade shows and other industry-specific events have experienced a post-pandemic renaissance, and the Space Symposium held in Colorado Springs is no exception. The annual event attracts a dynamic mix of established and emerging companies, non-profit organizations, civilian government agencies, plus U.S. and allied military staff.

Photo of Garrett Reim,

In the latest episode of Update-1, the National Press Club’s podcast, Club Broadcast/Podcast Co-chair Adam Konowe speaks with Garrett Reim, space and emerging technologies editor for the Aviation Week Network, about his path in journalism, differences between coverage for mainstream media and the trades, as well as trends he’s tracking at the event.

Reim also offered tips for professional communicators, as well as his perspective on the impact of increasing environmental advocacy on perceptions of the aerospace industry.

Update-1 is produced by Mike Hempen. In addition to the Club’s website, Update-1 can be found on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, TuneIn and Spotify by searching for “NPC Update-1.”