Freelancers at Risk: Photojournalism and the Call for Global Safety Standards, Pt. 2


Part 2: Implementing the Guidelines

In light of the increasing brutality against journalists overseas, the Investigative Reporting Workshop, the National Press Club Journalism Institute and the Committee to Protect Journalists presented a frank conversation titled “Freelancers at Risk: Photojournalism and the Call for Global Safety Standards.” Panelists from journalism organizations in London, New York, Boston and Washington discussed baseline standards for hiring and protecting freelance journalists working in war zones.

Moderator: Charles Sennott, The GroundTruth Project

Elisabet Cantenys, Rory Peck Trust
David Millikin, Agence France Presse
Elisa Lees Munoz, International Women’s Media Foundation
Louise Roug, Mashable