Former NPC President Bjerga to discuss 'Endless Appetites' Oct. 17

Alan Bjerga, former president of the National Press Club, will discuss his new book, “Endless Appetites: How the Commodities Casino Creates Hunger and Unrest,” on Monday, Oct. 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the NPC's Holeman Lounge.

In his book, Bjerga details the changes in food supply, demand and trading that have created a new era of price volatility that has caused riots and overthrown governments. From the trading floor of Chicago to the highlands of East Africa to the rice paddies of Thailand, Bjerga takes readers on a global trek to find the causes of the food-price crisis and the solutions.

Reservations are required at [email protected].

Bjerga served as NPC president in 2010. He writes about agricultural policy for Bloomberg News. His work has gained recognition from the Overseas Press Club, the New York Press Club, the Society of American Business Editors and Writers, the Kansas Press Association and the North American Agricultural Journalists. This is his first book.

Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing at the event. Proceeds benefit the Eric Friedheim National Journalism Library. No outside books will be permitted.