Press Club journalism award honors best work examining media

Smart, critical coverage of the media is recognized each year by the Arthur Rowse Award for Press Criticism.

The award, part of the National Press Club journalism contest, is sponsored by former U.S. News & World Report reporter Arthur Rowse. The award honors excellence in examining the role and work of the news media. All entries must focus on criticism of journalistic practices or reporting on the industry, and must encourage responsible media behavior.

The entry can include up to 5 articles or broadcasts (not necessarily in the same outlet) and must be accompanied by a letter explaining the significance of the work and any subsequent actions resulting from its publication or airing. The winners in both print/online and broadcast get a $1,000 prize.

To apply, please submit one article or a series of no more than 5 articles on a consistent topic.

The deadline to submit entries is April 1, and the contest is open to Club members and non-members. Offering entries is free for Club members, and costs $50 for non-members.

For the first time, entries may be submitted online or by the more traditional use of mail.