National Press Club urges Iran to free Washington Post reporter

The National Press Club pressed the government of Iran on Wednesday to do its utmost to free a Washington Post reporter who has been in jail for 140 days and counting.

Jason Rezaian has been imprisoned without any public airing of his charge, the Post reports. He is not permitted to see a lawyer, nor has he been allowed bail. He is only visited by his wife.

"Mr. Rezaian was in Iran to do his job and nothing more," National Press Club President Myron Belkind said. "He should be released from prison as soon as possible, along with other journalists who have done nothing to warrant incarceration."

Rezaian, who holds dual U.S.-Iranian citizenship, has worked for the Post in Iran since 2012. He went to Iran to report partly in order to promote better understanding between the United States and Iran.

The National Press Club, founded in 1908 and located in Washington, D.C., is the world's leading professional organization for journalists. Through its Press Freedom Committee, the National Press Club promotes transparency and press protections worldwide.

Contact: John M. Donnelly, Chairman, NPC Press Freedom Committee: [email protected]; 202- 746-6020.