Enter your best breaking news stories from 2016 in Press Club journalism contest

Breaking news is one of the most important assignments journalists have, and the National Press Club wants to recognize the very best work in both broadcast and for print/online stories from 2016 so send us your best breaking news stories -- both for broadcast and for print -- for the 2017 Press Club journalism contest.

Entries will be judged for quality of reporting, speed and innovation. Particular attention will be given to reporting in the first 24 hours and the use of a variety of formats to reach news consumers. The entries should be no more than five stories, written or assembled under deadline pressure, covering a single event or occurrence. Material should be submitted as originally presented. A letter describing how the reporting was done on deadline is encouraged. Supplemental material should be clearly marked. Entrants must also submit passwords if they are needed to access the material online. The deadline is April 1.

Club members can submit entries free of charge, while non-members pay $50 per entry. The prize is one free year of membership. There is no cash award.

The winners will be honored at an awards banquet this summer.

For more information, click here.