This Week in National Press Club History

Nov. 2, 1961: Former President and NPC member Harry Truman appears at the Club on the 13th anniversary of his surprise election victory over Thomas E. Dewey, and describes himself as “retired farmer, Independence, Missouri.”

Nov. 4, 1958: The National Press Club luncheon menu introduces Hot Roast Beef sandwiches for $1.25 and a 10-ounce sirloin with two vegetables and beer for $2.50.

Nov. 5, 1971: Indira Gandhi, India’s prime minister since 1966, discusses growing tensions with Pakistan, which lead to war several weeks after her appearance at the National Press Club.

Nov. 7, 1996: Charles McDowell of the Richmond Times-Dispatch receives the Club’s annual Fourth Estate Award.

This Week in National Press Club History is brought to you by the History Committee, which is dedicated to preserving, and revitalizing the Club’s history through displays, panel discussions and lectures, as well as interviewing members as part of the Club’s long-standing oral history project.

The History Committee meets at noon on the last Tuesday of the month. Our next meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 17. For more information on upcoming History Committee-sponsored events, or to join the History Committee, contact Marc Wojno at [email protected].