Nobel laureate to join panel on Trans-Pacific Partnership Feb. 11

What are the ramifications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and in particular will the Investor-State Dispute Settlement provision of TPP take the enforcement of U.S. laws out of the hands of the nation’s courts and legislatures in favor of corporate-controlled tribunals?

This question is expected to be answered by three experts on trade and investment law at a National Press Club Newsmakers event on Thursday, Feb. 11 at 10 a.m. in the NPC's Bloomberg Room.

As with all Newsmakers events, this press conference is open to credentialed media and Press Club members, free of charge. No advance registration is required.

The panel is expected to include:

  • Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning American economist and professor at Columbia University. He is a former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank, and chair of the U.S. president’s Council of Economic Advisers under former President Bill Clinton;

  • Lise Johnson, an attorney and leading authority on investment law and policy at Columbia University focusing on treaties that contain the Investor-State Dispute Settlement;

  • Ralph E. Gomory, a recipient of the National Medal of Science in 1989. He was IBM’s senior vice president for science and technology, a director of The Washington Post and the Bank of New York, and is now a research professor at New York University.

For more information, please contact Patti Giglio of the NPC's Newsmakers Committee at 202-903-7869 or [email protected].