Exciting lineup of upcoming Update-1 podcasts

Update-1, the National Press Club’s new podcast, will cover press freedom, immigration and the Fourth Estate Award in its next three shows.

The podcast discussing press freedom will be published August 11 while the show analyzing immigration and border security is due for publication on August 27. The Fourth Estate Award dinner honoring Charlie Rose is September 13, with the podcast on that event to be published September 15.

All podcasts are available on both the club’s website and on iTunes. Below is a listing of the next three podcasts:

August 11: Press Freedom (SPJ along with 38 other journalism and open government groups are calling on President Obama to stop practices in federal agencies that prevent important information from getting to the public.)

August 27: Immigration/Border Security Overview

September 15: Fourth Estate Award (September 13 event with Charlie Rose being honored)

Update-1 is a production of the NPC's Broadcast Committee. It provides a forum for listeners to learn about newsworthy stories, many originating from the Press Club or involving Press Club members. The show can be heard by clicking here.

All podcasts can be found on the Press Club website, either on the home page or by clicking on Multimedia and then Podcast. The podcasts also are on iTunes.

For information on the upcoming podcasts go to the Press Club’s Facebook page at Facebook.com/pressclubDC. You also can get podcast information by following the Press Club on Twitter at @pressclubDC.