Current Club podcast: Ron Nessen recounts White House career as journalist, then press secretary

National Press Club member Ron Nessen, who saw the relationship between the president and press from both sides of the lectern as a White House correspondent and later press secretary, discusses his experiences on the current National Press Club podcast, Update-1.

Author of the book,"It Sure Looks Different from the Inside," Nessen applies his varied experience to the current White House doings in a discussion with longtime broadcast journalist and National Press Club colleague Irv Chapman,

As an NBC News correspondent, Nessen covered President Richard Nixon's vice president Spiro Agnew, who denounced the news media as "nattering nabobs of negativism." Nessen then moved on to cover Gerald Ford when he replaced Agnew, and became White House correspondent when Ford succeeded Nixon.

Ford later asked Nessen to become his press secretary to deal with controversies such as the Nixon pardon and an economy in recession. Nessen also had five tours of duty for NBC News covering the war in Vietnam.

Update-1 is produced by Mike Hempen. The podcast can be heard here or on iTunes, Sticher and Tunei.