Changing Washington press corps topic of latest Club podcast

The changing Washington press corps is the focus of the current edition of Update-1, the podcast of the National Press Club.

Club member Shannon Fisher interviews the Pew Research Center's Associate Research Director Jesse Holcomb about Pew's just-released report detailing the changes. In its key finding, the study shows that niche publications now outnumber both daily newspapers and wire services.

The results of the Pew study raise questions about the relative cost-effectiveness of using D.C.-based correspondents, as well as the relevance to local readers, compared with acquiring information from wire services.

All podcasts can be accessed on the Club's website,, under the Recent Multimedia section or by clicking on the Multimedia link at the top of the home page and then clicking on Podcast. You also can locate the podcasts by searching for “NPC Update-1” on iTunes, Stitcher or Tunein.

You can comment on any podcast by submitting an email to [email protected].

Update-1 is a production of the NPC's Broadcast Committee. It provides a forum for listeners to learn about newsworthy stories, many originating from the National Press Club or involving club members.