Beyond point-and-shoot: Producing Web video, 8:30 am May 13

Reporters or communication specialists with new responsibilities for adding a video component to their Web postings, whether it’s an interview clip or a longer packaged piece, can learn how to produce quality Web video in a two-part workshop beginning at 8:30 a.m. Friday, May 13.

Part I of the workshop, sponsored by the Eric Friedheim National Journalism Library, will run from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Part II will run from 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

The cost is $75 for Club members, or $125 for both sessions. Non-members pay $125, or $225 for both sessions. Please reserve at [email protected] Advance payment is required.

The morning session will offer hands-on camera training and practical tips for producing quality video either with a Flipcam, iPhone or more sophisticated video camera. Flipcams will be provided.

The afternoon session will feature training on Adobe Premiere Elements video editing software. Club laptops will be provided. You should leave Saturday with a finished video package.

The instructors are media trainer/coach Mary Coffman, associate professor emeritus at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, and Ivan Meyers, multimedia producer and former director of AV Teaching Technologies at Medill.

They are also adjunct lecturers at Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies. They will discuss the pros and cons of different kinds of video stories, including ways to tell stories without narration.

The workshop will also focus on:

· Identifying stories best told in video
· Writing broadcast-style copy for narration
· Avoiding narration pitfalls
· Interview techniques
· Framing and Composition
· Tips on shooting video in different circumstances
· Tips for getting good audio
· Shooting exercises
· Individual critiques of your shooting
· Tips on editing video
· Tips on sequencing shots
· Tips for using transitions and not over-using them
· Individual critiques of your edited video
· Instructions on exporting and uploading your video